



  • v.

    收到( receive的第三人称单数 );接到;接纳;接待

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 收到,接到 come into possession of sth that is given or sent to one
    2. vt. & vi. 接纳; 接待 accept as a visitor or member; welcome



    • v.
      • get something; come into possession of

        "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"


      • receive a specified treatment (abstract)

        "These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation"; "His movie received a good review"


      • register (perceptual input)

        同义词:pick up

      • go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

        "receive injuries"


      • express willingness to have in one's home or environs

        "The community warmly received the refugees"

        同义词:take ininvite

      • accept as true or valid

        "He received Christ"

      • bid welcome to; greet upon arrival


      • convert into sounds or pictures

        "receive the incoming radio signals"

      • experience as a reaction


      • have or give a reception
      • receive as a retribution or punishment


      • partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
      • regard favorably or with disapproval

        "Her new collection of poems was not well received"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • receive a blow遭到打击
    • receive a diploma取得文凭
    • receive an education受到教育
    • receive a gift收到礼物
    • receive a letter收到一封信
    • receive a physical exam体检
    • receive a salary收到薪水
    • receive a telegram收到电报
    • receive a welcome受到欢迎
    • receive a wound受了伤
    • receive an explanation得到一个解释
    • receive an injection接受注射
    • receive an ovation受到欢呼
    • receive assurances得到保证
    • receive dividends分到红利
    • receive foreign guests接待外宾
    • receive full cooperation得到大力合作
    • receive good treatment受到厚待
    • receive grants of funds获得专项资金
    • receive great excitement十分兴奋
    • receive high marks得高分
    • receive new ideas接受新思想
    • receive orders接到命令
    • receive phone call接到电话
    • receive punishment遭到惩罚
    • receive satellite programmes接收卫星电视节目
    • receive the cup领取奖杯
    • receive the guests热情地接待客人
    • receive the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖
    • receive the support获得支持
    • receive threats受到威胁
    • receive visitors接待客人
    • receive affably热情友好地接待
    • receive back重新接纳
    • receive ceremoniously隆重地接待
    • receive consciously自觉地接待
    • receive cordially热忱地接待
    • receive courteously很讲究地接待
    • receive credulously轻易接受
    • receive favourably受到欢迎
    • receive frostily冷遇
    • receive glowingly热心地接待
    • receive graciously礼貌地接待
    • receive gratuitously无故地受到
    • receive haughtily傲慢地对待
    • receive hospitably热心对待
    • receive indiscriminately不加选择地对待
    • receive morosely冷遇
    • receive mournfully凄惨地受到
    • receive opportunely恰好地接待
    • receive precisely恰好地接待
    • receive reluctantly勉强接待
    • receive royally盛大地接待
    • receive scornfully轻蔑地接待
    • receive supinely冷遇
    • receive warmly热烈欢迎
    • receive well接收好
    • receive willingly心甘情愿地接待
    • receive as当作…接待
    • receive from收到来自…
    • receive in taxes收税金
    • receive into接受…成为…
    • receive into a church接受(某人)入教
    • receive into a hospital收(某人)入院
    • receive through sb通过(某人)转交
    • receive with great enthusiasm极热情地欢迎(某人)
    • receive with open arms热烈欢迎(某人)


    1. Neither John nor I am to receive the award.
    2. I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax.
    3. He was received as an honoured visitor.


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